Shaker place

Albany County
Colonie, New York
30 Acres
Landscape Architecture
Completed in 2020

Shaker Place (Albany County Residential Health Care Facility) is in Colonie, NY. Additions and Renovations were planned to increase the residential living capacity as well as improve amenities for the residents.
Biophilic design principles were employed to assure residents' contact with nature. As, such the project includes survey landscaped courtyards, which provide outdoor views for residents from their rooms. Courtyards were designed to provide secure outdoor spaces with full ADA accessibility.
High groundwater was a site constraint that played a role in design decisions for Stormwater Management Practices. Proximity to Albany International Airport also caused constraints in the selection of Stormwater Practices to avoid the creation of bird habitats.
Design Includes:
• 7 Outdoor Courtyards
• Reconfigured Existing Parking Lot
• Porte Cochere and Ambulance Entrance
• Relocated Emergency Service Road